Our thoughts on Virtual Staging

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 Our thoughts on Virtual Staging (and why we finally decided to give it a try)

Virtual staging. It’s fair to say that we weren’t, in the past, big fans.  That is not to say that we didn’t appreciate some of the incredible work done by experts in this field.  Often it’s difficult to tell what is CGI and what is an actual photograph when it’s done really well.  Equally, sometimes it isn’t done  quite so well, and can look terrible!  We’ve seen some beautiful, expensive developments staged virtually, and the images created have been utterly dreadful.    

We also believed – and still do – that physical staging is what’s going to help a property to sell.  Fabulous virtual staging can certainly help to create the initial interest, but when a potential buyer is in a property, it needs the atmosphere, style and ambience which we create when we stage.  The potential buyer has seen, online, a gorgeous room with beautiful furniture and accessories.  They arrive to a viewing and the room is……..empty, lifeless and dull.  That’s why virtual staging alone isn’t enough, and probably why we thought it wasn’t something we needed in our portfolio of services.

If the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic has taught us anything as a business, it is that we need to be adaptable and open to change if we’re going to survive and grow.  It was a really good time for us to look at what our clients need, and how we can help them overcome the problems they face in the current climate.  With this in mind, our view on virtual staging started to change.

Lots of conversation, research and deliberation later, we launched our virtual staging service.  Many of our own preconceptions were wrong, and we figured out how to provide this to our clients in a cost-effective and efficient way.

The Property Presenters are proud of our hands-on approach to everything we do.  Our business has grown (and we are, of course, super happy about that), but are still small enough to have a very personal input in to all our projects and client experiences.  With that in mind, we decided that our virtual staging service should also be done by us, and not outsourced.  Taking this approach means we have full control of the furniture and accessories used in the images, and we can create virtual rooms which look like our real rooms would.

We made a small investment in some new design software and got started, and are now delighted to launch this as a new service.            

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